So...we officially suck at blogging. Sorry - but hey I did warn you :) Well Titan and I made it past our one year mark with flying colors and are even more sure we're ready for this thing called life. As long as we're together...bring it on! So here's a few of the fun/interesting/mundane events that marked our first year of marriage:
*We bought our first home
*We did a remodel of our fireplace
*We tore out the remodel and are doing the "big boy" ridiculously kool fireplace so we are currently -1 wall in the living room.
*Our last lawyer bill was officially paid off in full.
*We crashed a truck
*We crashed my Yukon
*We replaced the Yukon with a black Denali
*I kicked myself in the face for ever owning a black vehicle then got over it cuz a dirty black vehicle still looks kooler than a clean white one
*I found out Titan can do back flips.
*I found out I can't nor should I ever try to do a back flip unless I like back braces.
*Trinity and Dave (sis & bro-in-law) moved with the munchkins back to AZ at last!
*Laynee got taught the awe inspiring fact that there is a baby in Trinity's tummy.
*Laynee is not old enough to fully understand the concept yet and pointed to my tummy in the grocery store later and told the clerk "baby"...can we say awkward?
*We went camping as a family.
*Uncle Colton found out he's going to Argentina to serve a 2 year mission for our church.
*We got sealed as a family for time and all eternity in the Snowflake temple.
*I chopped my hair just cuz I can & it's fun to change things up.
*Laynee continues to learn and mimic everything her little eyes sees...including whistling at daddy..."woo-wew dad!" - my bad.
And I'm sure there's a lot of other things that I'm forgetting but really - I didn't go to bed until 4 this morning so that's as good as it's getting people. So hopefully it won't be a year before our next update...no guarantees though :)