In an attempt to get me just what I wanted...Titan let me help pick out my engagement ring. Now there is one downfall to this plan - I had no friggin clue what I wanted & I didn't even know enough to know that. See, in my head I had always wanted something super simple....a princess cut solitaire that was it, end of story. Well Titan took me to a ring store where I began to try on different solitaires....explaining that I just don't like all the side bling stones and blah blah blah. Well the helpful store clerk lady walked over with a ring complete with side stones and all. I tried it on more out of courtesy than actual interest - and danged if I didn't like it better on than I did the solitaires! Well then I was just lost in utter confusion over what the heck I wanted. This then rampaged on into a day long try-on-every-ring-in-multiple-stores-a-thon. Now to fully appreciate Titan's patience on this you have to get the full picture here...the women behind the counter would introduce themselves then follow with "Well let's see what kind of style you lean toward." I'd then pick out a couple rings I liked. They'd line them up side by side then just shake their heads and tell me, "Well these are all completely opposite styles so I'm not really sure where to start." You and me both lady. They would then pull out rings one by one and I'd turn them over, read the price and hand them back. Titan had them hide the prices of everything and on we went. After we chose the ring we liked & Titan "upgraded" it...we were set. And then we started the whole process over again as I made Titan pick out his wedding band ha ha
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