October 15, 2010

Our Little Angel's Almost 1

In honor of Laynee's upcoming birthday we threw her an early birthday bash. We had our family and a few friends come over and made a night of it with cupcakes and all that jazz. Laynee loved the chocolate and the caramel....reminds me of her daddy. She got loads of toys with all sort of fun buttons to push and puppy dogs galore!!! This little girl LOVES dogs - her first word was dad then dog so that shows you the priority there. Little Laynee and big Uncle Travis share the same birthday so it makes the day a double dose of fun. I'm so grateful for the fun that Titan and his little angel have brought into my life. Here are a few of the things that we can't get enough of from our little Laynee angel....

* her little crooked smile

* the way she gets so excited and nearly yells dad and dog when she sees either...and when dad starts barking like a dog...well then we can't decide which one to call him anymore :)

* her little giggles

* the way she can be amused for hours by playing peek-a-boo with her daddy....and the fact that her daddy will run out the back door, around the house, then through the front door just to play an extreme version of peek-a-boo.

* her little lisp when she talks....she's learning new words every day & is a great mimick.....right now we've got down dad, dog, eyes, k, dont, no, oops, skye, oww, and nose.

* her little pouty lip....her and her dad sit there and get a pouty face that melt my heart so they get pretty much whatever they want.

* she is such a cuddle bug....dad pulls her into bed with us in the mornings and she just snuggles and grins and gives hugs...it makes it very hard to get out of bed.

* how much she loves bath time and splashing in the big tub. All Titan has to say is bath time and she takes off into our bedroom and right up to the big tub waiting for Titan to start the water.

* Her little "uhh"'s when she's trying to get your attention

* She has now learned to "teach" me to do things and then she'll clap for me.

* How her favorite place to fall asleep is on her daddy's big shoulders. If she is ever fussy or having a hard time going down for a nap I hand her to Titan and she is out in about 2 seconds.

* She sings along with the radio with Titan and me.

* She LOVES pasta and peaches and bananas

* How much she loves her puppy dogs

* How much she loves animals of all sorts

* How she growls back at Titan when he growls to scare her

* How she loves drumming on pots and pans

* How she's learning to play games with her dolly....she'll give her a bottle and last week I heard her giggling so I went around the corner to find her sitting her dolly down and then she'd crawl behind the door and poke her head out and growl at her dolly then laugh and laugh.

* She loves giving kisses to everyone! Her daddy worries a little because a majority of these seem to be open mouthed kisses already.

* Her loves and hugs she gives.

* Her funny little sense of humor. She'll do the opposite of what you tell her and just giggle.

* How she gets loopy and giggly as she gets tired.

* She wakes up smiling and ready to play with dad even before he's quite ready to wake up yet.

* How friendly she is....she never met a stranger she doesn't wave and smile and flirt with.

* How she mimicks Titan's laugh when she hears him....if you've heard his laugh you know that's not an easy thing to do.

* She'll fake cough and sneeze if me and Titan start talking and aren't paying enough attention until we let her into the conversation.

There are so many fun little things she does and says and everyday there seems to be more. We love you little angel!

September 7, 2010

New Job

So true to my word we forgot about our blog until the other day. Titan has been workin for the past 6 months out at the prison as a correction officer. As you can imagine it can be a pretty rough job given the environment you are in. We made a family decision that the job combined with hours that made it hard to spend time together was definitely not worth the pay by our standards. So an executive decision was made and Titan put in his two weeks notice. I am pretty sure it is the best decision we have made since we've been married (our dining room paint colors come in a close second though - cuz it looks BOMB). Titan has already picked up 6 hunts to guide which already outpays his salary by December and leaves me a lot more Friday nights to watch football games with my husband. He is going to guide for the remainder of this hunting season and is working on getting his outfitting license set for next year and all the paperwork that goes with starting your own business - he's a champ. The reason our blog came back to life from all of this was because of the following conversation:

Titan: "I'm so glad I only have two days left out there and then get to start spending more time seeing you."

me: "Me too, then we can finally have time to go to the games or go away for the weekend. It's gonna be so nice."

Titan: "Yeah and I'll have time to get projects around the house done and we'll just have so much more time to do things. Like we can do a family blog."

K...so I'm not sure if he said it mocking the blogness or if he's just that dang cute. He takes the cute credit but I'm not so sure he's not just a smart #@* ha ha jk. Either way our blog was dusted off and we are back to workin on it.

Married life is pretty sweet...we like it. We got a lot of pre-marriage talks about how the little things will drive you crazy and given example after example about the things that they will do. Well I was brushing my teeth the other morning when I realized me and him had never had a disagreement over this kind of thing. See -I'm pretty laid back and don't give a crap how I squeeze the toothpaste, or if the toilet paper goes over or under, and if you've seen my closet you know I don't care where you kick your shoes off at. Well I knew that I didn't care about these things but realized I had no idea if Titan had a preference on how they were done....well I know the shoe thing cuz I've seen his closet too. Anyhow, I was thinking to myself, Well crap, I'm probably the spouse that annoys the other one & doesn't even know that I'm doing it. So I asked him, "Hunny, how do you squeeze your toothpaste?" He looked at me like I was a weirdo and said like this...and demonstrated on an imaginary toothpaste tube squeezing it. "Well I'm just asking in case you do it a certain way and I do it a different way because people always say that things like that are what you fight about at first when you're married.....so what about toilet paper....do you care if it goes over or under?" He just laughed and gave me his Titan answer, "Hun as long as there's toilet paper there I'm happy." Aww sweet love. ha ha.

May 17, 2010


In an attempt to get me just what I wanted...Titan let me help pick out my engagement ring. Now there is one downfall to this plan - I had no friggin clue what I wanted & I didn't even know enough to know that. See, in my head I had always wanted something super simple....a princess cut solitaire that was it, end of story. Well Titan took me to a ring store where I began to try on different solitaires....explaining that I just don't like all the side bling stones and blah blah blah. Well the helpful store clerk lady walked over with a ring complete with side stones and all. I tried it on more out of courtesy than actual interest - and danged if I didn't like it better on than I did the solitaires! Well then I was just lost in utter confusion over what the heck I wanted. This then rampaged on into a day long try-on-every-ring-in-multiple-stores-a-thon. Now to fully appreciate Titan's patience on this you have to get the full picture here...the women behind the counter would introduce themselves then follow with "Well let's see what kind of style you lean toward." I'd then pick out a couple rings I liked. They'd line them up side by side then just shake their heads and tell me, "Well these are all completely opposite styles so I'm not really sure where to start." You and me both lady. They would then pull out rings one by one and I'd turn them over, read the price and hand them back. Titan had them hide the prices of everything and on we went. After we chose the ring we liked & Titan "upgraded" it...we were set. And then we started the whole process over again as I made Titan pick out his wedding band ha ha

The Final Countdown

OK so we're just gonna be honest right off the bat here - there is a very good chance that we will not keep this blog up-to-date, post the newest pics, or even remember we have a blog in a matter of months...but right now, tonight, we think it's a rather brilliant idea.

Titan and I are about to get married on June 19th, 2010. Are we ready for this wedding? Heck yes we are! Now are we actually ready for this wedding? Define ready ha ha. We haven't had the longest engagement in history but we've been lucky and everything has fallen into place beautifully for our big day. I've got my dress, we've got the place, and I've got new boots...like I said - totally ready. Either way you cut it - I get to marry my best and my hottest friend(sorry Sierra but you came in a close second on the hottness scale) so it's bound to be a good day.